The Humanis project has a primary goal of developing virtual assistant, by connected digital assistive technologies, specifically designed to support the mental health of family members, caregivers, and others closely associated with elderly individuals suffering from dementia syndromes like Alzheimer's.
One of the main concerns is the significant impact on non-professional caregivers who often experience physical, psychological, emotional, social, and financial consequences. To address this, the project aims to create gadgets equipped with artificially intelligent systems that exhibit cognitive bias, acting as artificial agents to offer mental relief and combat work exhaustion, such as burnout, besides teaching about this complex disease.
In addition to providing assistance to caregivers, our objective is to foster an interdisciplinary social capital among our collaborators, including scientists and financiers. By doing so, we strive for ongoing improvement and differentiation from competitors in the market, ensuring that our technology stands out as a valuable and reliable solution.
Current research
With the aging of populations, Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses, prevalent in Brazil, have become a public health problem. New care strategies will be increasingly necessary as the growing demands have a significant impact with considerable direct and indirect costs for families, healthcare systems, and society.
Simple and innovative solutions, easy to implement, and with high technology, depend on a situational survey with well-established criteria. This study aims to map the knowledge of elderly family members and caregivers concerning cognitive impairment and dementias, as well as their information needs on the subject, through electronic capture of information with caregivers of patients with these diseases.
To achieve this, an exploratory cross-sectional, observational, and descriptive study was designed to be applied directly to caregivers asynchronously and digitally. Virtual questionnaires will be used for information mapping: one for sociodemographic information and another for knowledge on dementias and caregivers' experiences.
The study data collected and managed using the REDCap electronic data capture tools hosted at the Paulista School of Medicine of the Federal University of São Paulo. Caregivers were recruited through a specific institutional website and social media calls. The results aim to define an updated and more recent profile of sociodemographic and cultural characteristics of caregivers in our country and identify the information demands on the subject that are of greatest interest to family members and caregivers of this patient group.
Walter Teixeira Lima Junior
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Marcia Maria Pires Camargo Novelli
Principal Researcher
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Emanuela Bezerra Torres Mattos
Principal Researcher
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Alan Cronemberger Andrade
Principal Researcher
Neurology of Behavior Outpatient Clinic, Hospital São Paulo, Federal University of São Paulo
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Mariel Carolina Montiel Aponte
Neurology of Behavior Outpatient Clinic, Hospital São Paulo, Federal University of São Paulo - Paulista School of Medicine
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Flavio Shigeo Yamamoto
Technical Support Professional
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José Reinaldo Silva
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Luis Felipe Santos Alvarez de Aguião
Technical Support
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Luiz Cesar Leite
Technical Support
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Ronaldo Cristiano Prati
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Viviane Cristina Marques
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Wellington Pacheco Ferreira
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